Friday, May 16, 2008

First Day in the Park

An interesting new world is opening up today. Technology can be the most amazing thing or the most frustrating, it really depends on how you look at it. My life so far has been pretty good, I think to myself, "Who in the world would want to read anything I write about? What is so interesting about my life that I would want to share it with others? Maybe no one will read it, maybe they will think it is boring or dull". My thoughts, "OH WELL, its my life and my thoughts, take them or leave them". What I put down is really what I have learned so far in life. Kind of like a walk in the park, depending on the day, it can be relaxing and enjoyable or it can be stressful and tiring.


Annette said...

welcome! my dear dear friend!!! i love the random thoughts - and cute picture of you and your honey! can't wait to read more... : )

dawn said...

Good job on taking the plunge in the world of blogging. I have yet to do so myself. I think your picture is adorable and I find your life very intersting so keep writing. Love ya, dawn

Anonymous said...

Wow... You a blogger.. I wouldn't even know where to begin. I can't wait to continue reading.


Jenna said...

Hey Laura--I think it's neat! tell us all your secrets!!!!! loveya, Jenna